Thursday, October 2, 2008

Online Opportunity

I am searching for someone to help get the word out for the company. You will need to reply to emails from customers, as well as place ads online to get traffic. Please contact me for details and I will fill you in. Hours may vary. Pay varies. You can make $10 per email and however many emails you reply to in a day is up to you.You will need an internet connection with a valid email address. I have a link below you will need to click on to be entered into the payroll system. Revolution Money Exchange is a lot like paypal, only better, it doesn't charge you fees and it is free to sign up. Please click the link below and sign up. Once you have done this, pass me an email and indicate you have signed up for payroll and I will send you your training materials which will go into greater detail what you will need to do to.

Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange